The personal finance software you work with can have a big impact on your financial situation. The better programs allow you to get a handle on your budget and easily see exactly how much is coming in and going out. Some programs, however, are more suitable for small businesses, others for investors and others for keeping track of your household budget. What follows are some reviews of well known personal finance software programs and advice on choosing among them.
Thing to Know Before Purchase any Software
Before you purchase any personal finance software programs, be sure you're clear about what you want it for. For example, not all software allows you to keep track of your investments, so if this is something you want, make sure you get one that has this feature. You also may prefer an online based service rather than software you download. The advantage to this is that you can have access to the program anywhere you are and you aren't dependent on your computer. Online services can also give you real time information. These are some of the factors to keep in mind when choosing personal finance software programs.
Microsoft Money Plus
Microsoft Money Plus is one of the best known personal finance programs, but it's been discontinued. It's important to know this, because you can still purchase this software online from some vendors, yet Microsoft will no longer provide support for it beyond early 2011. To replace this, Microsoft is now offering a free program you can download, Money Plus Sunset Deluxe. This new program will work on any Windows application and doesn't require any activation, but there are no online services or support with it. So if you're looking for free personal finance software with some useful features, you should try Microsoft Plus Sunset Deluxe, but if you want a program with full support you should look into one you have to pay for, such as Quicken or YNAB.
iBank 4
If you use a Macintosh, iBank 4 is one of the personal finance software programs to consider. This is a user friendly program that many Mac users find helpful to manage their finances. You can keep track of all your account balances easily, as well as monitor your investments. It allows you to import transactions from other programs like Quicken for Mac, as well as export to TurboTax to file your taxes. It gives you a free 30 day trial with support, so you can try it for a whole month before deciding whether to keep it. If you do want to continue using it, the price is quite reasonable at around $60. iBank 4 is a good choice if you use a Mac and want a finance program with a wide variety of helpful features.
If you want to buy the best personal finance software, you have to consider your needs, such as what kind of operating system you use, whether you prefer an online service or downloadable software and what features are important to you. Hopefully this article has given you some useful insights into the types of personal finance software that's currently available. If you pick the right program, you'll find that it's much easier to manage your money.
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